Medium, Tarot, Soul-Life Coach,
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Tarot Roots - Beginner Classes
Beginning Tarot from the roots. Handouts & a certificate supplied.
Service Description
Tarot Roots will dissect the major and minor arcana. This course will go through each of the 78 cards to give an understanding of each card. Also the reverse of each card will be involved to make the grand total 156 card general meanings. Colors, details, numbers will all be addressed in this course. There are 10 classes in this beginning course. Handouts for each class will be supplied for keepsake practice and notes. Pay in full or pay at the beginning of each class. Set your own schedule on the website CLASS page. Book each class as your schedule permits. Class can be held in person or online in Facebook private room chat or some of both. Expect each class to take up to 2 hours. Invite your friends to learn with you for practice buddies. The price is $310 when you pay in full before the course begins. The pay in full option is only available before your 1st class. The pay by class option is $35 per class. Cash, Venmo, CashApp, or credit card options are all available. Tarot develops your natural psychic abilities. Each picture is worth a thousand words as the saying is coined. By using the handouts and discussing what you see in the pictures of each card brings your natural intuition forward as we familiarize characteristics, numbers, colors, and traits of each card. Open discussion is welcome throughout each class. You will receive a certification document at the end of the course for authentic spiritual purposes to keep.

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
You may schedule each session individually. Please be courteous and reschedule/cancel at your earliest convenience if something comes up. We are happy to connect with you via email, text, or call before you schedule an appointment. Calls/texts: 727-416-0515. There are no refunds. If you need to reschedule, the payment can reapply as long as you contact us to request that. Final decisions are at the discretion of the co-founding members of Akashic Artizen, LLC.